Is Freelancing for Everyone?

Many people like the idea of being their own boss, whether it is owning their own business or being a freelancer.  But not everyone is able to do this kind of job.  Knowing if freelancing is for you is important to consider.

There are many things to consider:

  • Are you able to work on your own?
  • Do you need the regular office to help you get work done?
  • Does working at home scare you or excite you?
  • How well do you deal with distractions?
  • Do you know your limits?  Can you set limits so your family knows to leave you alone and get work done?
  • If you work from home, can you step away when necessary to do other things?  Can you step away from home things to take care of work?

I work as a freelancer so I can work around our schedule and what we have going on.  I can work when the kids are napping, when they go to bed at night or when they are playing outside.  If my husband is home and not working, he can help me with the kids so I can get work done.  I decide if I want to work on that expects me to work set hours or if I want to work as long as I meet the deadlines.

I also have to know when to when to let go of clients and when I can take on more clients.  I have the flexibility of knowing when I can rearrange my schedule and when I can’t.  I have found different ways to help me stay focused and organized on what I need to get done.  I also have to know what I am not willing to do or what I am not willing to use.  Technology can be helpful, but also knowing when you pay for services and when you don’t pay for services.

Understanding if you are ready or able to do freelancing can make all the difference in making it happen.